It is well believed that when you educate a woman you have educated the whole nation. Gender bias where men were consider more important and empowered unlike the women it is outdated. What a man can do a woman does it better. The Hijabi Mentorship Program (THMP) had a dialogue with 30 women in Msambweni sub-county from the villages of Kisite, Kisima, Chande, Vingujini, Mwaembe, Tumbe, Sawasawa, Nganja and Bomani.

The women were open to speak about Gender Based Violence (GBV) and Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) in their respective villages. They collectively addressed the issues as the women of the community.

Type of GBV mostly experienced in the area are;

· Early child marriages

· Early pregnancies

· Children prostitution

· Female genital mutilation

· Rape

· Child labor

High rate of poverty in the area has been a major cause leading to the GBV cases discussed in the area. Young girls are forced to early marriage so that parents can have dowry as income generating activity

while others are forced to prostitution to cater for family basic needs. Too much exposure of the internet that leads to irresponsible behaviors among the teen. Divorce is also a big issue, broken families mostly affect the growth of the child. Some parents fail in proper upbringing of the child leading to growth in unconducive environment. Peer pressure from friends is a major issue among the teens.

The women from Msambweni are not happy with the way cases of GBV are handled in the area. Most cases are solved at home thereby there is delayed or no justice for the victims.

They claimed that many know about GBV but do not have any idea on SRHR. They emphasized that there is need of more dialogues in the area for sensitization so as to empower and enlighten more people in the area concerning GBV and SRHR.