The Change Is Women

The Change Is Women

Gender Based Violence (GBV) and Sexual Reproductive Health and Research (SRHR) they are two great enemies in our communities. 30 women from Wayani, Zungu, Jeza B and Maramuni villages in Matuga sub-county had a dialogue at Wayani village with The Hijabi Mentorship...
It Is Time For The Youth To Call

It Is Time For The Youth To Call

The youth voice is the change we want in our society. Their voices when amplified it is certain that we will not only have a conducive and peaceful society but also we will experience generation equality in our areas. THMP with their ongoing project Generation...
Save Money And Money Will Save You.

Save Money And Money Will Save You.

When was the last time you put aside your monies for emergencies or any sort of investment while observing financial discipline to the latter? Board on a debt ride and had a safe landing off financial distress? We seem to have never really put into attention the good...
The 5 Steps To Financial Freedom

The 5 Steps To Financial Freedom

Written by: Leila Juma Edited by: Alfred Mazera I bet we’ve all heard of financial literacy before right? What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear of financial literacy? Well, my first time, the thing that clicked on my mind was having the...