Women of today are women of change who believe in equality in the society and take leadership to ensure that the goals are achieved. The Hijabi Mentorship Program (THMP) created a dialogue with 30 women in Lungalunga sub-county from Uwanja wa ndege, Kichukwa, Vanga, Kibaoni, Ngweni and Sagalato villages to discuss on Gender Based Violence (GBV) and Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) in their respective villages.
There are many cases of GBV pointed out by the women that they experience in the area and there is need to learn more about SRHR. They want to have idea on how to collectively address the issues in their areas.
Mostly the GBV cases that are reported in the area are;
· Rape
· Defilement
· Teenage pregnancies
· Child trafficking
· Child marriages
· Incest
· Child prostitution
Ignorance and illiteracy has been a major problem resulting to some of GBV cases in the area. Unemployment and poverty has brought a lot of challenges to the GBV victims in the villages. Most of them the cases are settled out of court and some settled at home resulting to victims not getting any justice. Too much corruption from police officers and asking for bribes so as to process the case files it has brought more pain to the victims.
There is need for equality to have a prosperous society. Lungalunga women were excited to be involved in the dialogue they loved the interaction and the knowledge they got from it. They agreed to be the gear for change and will be involved in ensuring there is equal opportunity for everyone in their villages.
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