Great things are rarely achieved by just one person. Usually, they are accomplished by a group of people, and when everyone is committed to the overall goal, teams move faster, are more innovative, and more successful.
Successful teamwork is essential for anyone attempting to complete projects successfully.
1. Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights
Due to cultural norms and religious beliefs, many girls, women and young people in marginalized communities experience barriers in accessing friendly Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights services.
The essence of our work is to increase access to high-quality and affordable sexual and reproductive healthcare information and services.
Our focus is to ensure that the young people have a complete understanding of their sexuality, their reproductive system, their capability to reproduce, and the freedom to decide if, when, and how often to do so- safely.
We target all young people irrespective of their culture, faith/religion.
Our vision is for the girls and women in marginalized communities to be able to make informed, safe choices regarding their sexual and reproductive health, to bridge the gender gap in access to resources and opportunities for self-development and actualization. We also envision an increased budgetary allocation towards sexual and reproductive healthcare services in Kenya and increased access to relevant, timely, and appropriate information about sexual and reproductive health rights for young men and women.
2. Gender Based Violence
In most marginalized communities, many women and girls experience many social, cultural, and religious norms that infringe their rights.
There is also a lack of understanding amongst the females on their basic human rights. “Women and Girls are subjected to physical, sexual, psychological, and economic harm/harmful acts. These are rooted in social, cultural, and religious norms
“Our vision of success is to have a strengthened institutional mechanism i.e. police and local administrators who women and girls can trust so that they can report acts of GBV and human rights violations safely, confidentially & with no fear of reprisal.”
3. Peace and Conflict Resolution
As much as the informal contributions of women have been highlighted and declared invaluable to resolving conflict and building sustainable peace, formal peacebuilding and conflict resolution initiatives continue to ignore or marginalize issues of gender, and women’s involvement in formal missions and talks. The aim of the work is to strengthen the role of women in peace and security particularly in preventing terrorism and countering radicalization and recruitment. Our vision of success is the realization of a peaceful, cohesive and inclusive society in marginalized communities through young women led dialogue. To promote effective participation of young women in the peace process. To enhance knowledge of youth in conflict prevention and resolution at the grassroots level. To increase access to relevant, timely and appropriate information about peace and conflict resolution for young women and youth.

4. Economic Empowerment
In thé course of poverty éradication and enhancing human capital dévelopment; Économic empowerment allows péople to think béyond immédiate daily survival and exercise greater control over their resources.
To changé thé discourse that excludes thé less privilège that keeps them in absolute poverty, our goal is driven towards Sustainable Dévelopment Goals..primarily SDG 8″Decent Work and Économic Growth”.
Our main aim is geared towards;
- Creating awareness and Access to control over productive resources.
- Creating a path where youth and women get thé opportunity to take part in meaningful participation of an informed économic décision- making not only in household levels bt also at a global scale.
- Enhance thé néed of skills and resource utilisation in order to compète in existing markets.
Areas of focus
- Entrepreneurship
- Talent
- Financial literacy.